How to Re-train Your Deep Core Muscles The deep core muscles are a group of muscles designed to automatically co-contract prior to moving your body so you can move and function more efficiently. [...]
Satisfy your mind and body with a daily dose of Legs-Up-The-Wall pose I don’t know about you, but sometimes I have a hard time slowing down and resting. Making time to rest can make a big [...]
Stress, prolonged sitting, running, cycling, and many other activities can contribute to tension and tightness in the hips, back, and pelvic floor. Restorative yoga involves longer held resting [...]
I love this beautiful and inspirational poem. It deeply resonates with me. I hope you find it as meaningful as I do. “She Let Go” She let go. Without a thought or a word, she let go. [...]
Are you discouraged because you didn’t accomplish much or you didn’t reach your goals or resolutions in 2019? Focus on your improvements rather than your accomplishments. I bet you improved more [...]